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Shpendiboy net worth

$ 25.7K - $ 154K *

Shpendiboy income

$ 15
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 256
last 30 days
$ 918
last 90 days

Shpendiboy's net worth is a topic of interest among his followers and fans. This article explores the various sources of his income and provides an estimate of his net worth based on available information. It discusses the revenue generated from his YouTube channel, brand endorsements, merchandise sales, and other business ventures. The article also highlights the factors influencing his net worth, such as audience engagement, market trends, and strategic investments. It aims to provide readers with insights into Shpendiboy's financial success and the factors contributing to it.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Shpendiboy estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 66
March 2024$ 259
February 2024$ 357
January 2024$ 191
December 2023$ 478
November 2023$ 164
October 2023$ 144
July 2023$ 218
June 2023$ 449
May 2023$ 438
April 2023$ 235
March 2023$ 607
February 2023$ 823
January 2023$ 303
December 2022$ 329
November 2022$ 352
October 2022$ 475
September 2022$ 160
August 2022$ 371
July 2022$ 663
June 2022$ 362
May 2022$ 261

Shpendiboy Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Shpendiboy have?

Shpendiboy has 363,000 subs.

How many videos does Shpendiboy have?

Shpendiboy uploaded 538 videos on youtube.

What is the monthly income of Shpendiboy?

Income of Shpendiboy is $ 257.

What is Shpendiboy's net worth?

Net worth of Shpendiboy is approximately $ 83K.

When Shpendiboy started youtube channel?

Shpendiboy started youtube in 2015-03-27.

How many video views does Shpendiboy have?

Shpendiboy has 68,413,986 video views on youtube.

How much does Shpendiboy make per 1000 views?

Shpendiboy makes approximately $ 1.21 per 1000 views.