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nixelpixel Nixelpixel
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nixelpixel net worth

$ 23K - $ 138K *

nixelpixel income

$ 10
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 110
last 30 days
$ 214
last 90 days

Nixelpixel's net worth has progressively grown throughout his career as a content creator. Through his lucrative endeavors, such as brand partnerships, sponsored videos, and merchandise sales, he has amassed a significant amount of wealth. His success on YouTube, coupled with his engaging personality, has opened doors for various business opportunities. Nixelpixel has collaborated with well-known brands, allowing him to diversify his income streams. While the exact figures of Nixelpixel's net worth are not publicly disclosed, it is evident that his hard work, dedication, and entrepreneurial spirit have contributed to his financial prosperity. He continues to explore new ventures and expand his online presence, seeking to create a lasting impact on the digital content space.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

nixelpixel estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 40
March 2024$ 74
February 2024$ 45
January 2024$ 26
December 2023$ 30
November 2023$ 46
October 2023$ 77
July 2023$ 68
June 2023$ 29
May 2023$ 70
April 2023$ 191
March 2023$ 157
February 2023$ 119
January 2023$ 132
December 2022$ 82
November 2022$ 82
October 2022$ 175
September 2022$ 214
August 2022$ 205
July 2022$ 167
June 2022$ 155
May 2022$ 79

nixelpixel Frequently Asked Questions

How many uploads on youtube nixelpixel has?

nixelpixel uploaded 395 videos on youtube.

When nixelpixel started youtube channel?

nixelpixel started youtube in 2007-08-06.

How many subs does nixelpixel have?

nixelpixel has 431,000 subs.

How much does nixelpixel make per 1000 views?

nixelpixel makes approximately $ 1.21 per 1000 views.

How much nixelpixel makes per month?

nixelpixel makes approximately $ 111 per month.

What is nixelpixel's net worth?

Net worth of nixelpixel is approximately $ 74.2K.

How many video views does nixelpixel have?

nixelpixel has 61,217,329 video views.