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Victoria Victoria Annunziato
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Youtuber since
YouTuber, social media celebrity
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Victoria net worth

$ 57.8K - $ 347K *

Victoria income

$ 612
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 3.41K
last 30 days
$ 11.6K
last 90 days

Victoria's net worth is estimated to be around $500,000. Most of her income comes from sponsored content on her YouTube and Instagram accounts, as well as her merch sales. She has also partnered with various brands, including L'Oreal Paris and Daniel Wellington.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Victoria estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 1.8K
March 2024$ 4.73K
February 2024$ 3.51K
January 2024$ 1.07K
December 2023$ 1.89K
November 2023$ 2.76K
October 2023$ 2.61K
July 2023$ 1.83K
June 2023$ 1.62K
May 2023$ 1.09K
April 2023$ 1.95K
March 2023$ 4.44K
February 2023$ 5.16K
January 2023$ 4.74K
December 2022$ 2.04K
November 2022$ 1.78K
October 2022$ 4.08K
September 2022$ 4.78K
August 2022$ 7.74K
July 2022$ 441
June 2022$ 408
May 2022$ 389

Victoria Frequently Asked Questions

How old is Victoria?

Victoria was born on August 31, 1996, which makes her 25 years old.

Where is Victoria from?

Victoria is from France.

How did Victoria become famous?

Victoria became famous through her YouTube channel where she posts fashion, beauty, and lifestyle videos.

Does Victoria have a merch line?

Yes, Victoria has her own merch line which includes clothing and accessories.

What brands has Victoria worked with?

Victoria has worked with brands like L'Oreal Paris and Daniel Wellington for sponsored content on her social media accounts.

Does Victoria have any siblings?

It is not known if Victoria has any siblings as she has not shared this information publicly.