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Alemán Eduardo Eustacio Anaya Ortega
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Youtuber since
Rapper, Singer, Songwriter
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Alemán net worth

$ 995K - $ 5.97M *

Alemán income

$ 0
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 32K
last 30 days
$ 96.6K
last 90 days

Alemán's exact net worth is not publicly disclosed. However, based on his successful music career, touring, and brand collaborations, it is estimated that he has accumulated a substantial wealth. Apart from music, Alemán has also ventured into business, including merchandising and endorsements. He has built a strong brand and has a loyal fan base, which contributes significantly to his overall net worth.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Alemán estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
March 2024$ 64.5K
February 2024$ 32.1K
January 2024$ 31.1K
December 2023$ 31K
November 2023$ 30K
October 2023$ 29.7K
July 2023$ 29.9K
June 2023$ 31K
May 2023$ 35.4K
April 2023$ 37.1K
March 2023$ 45.8K
February 2023$ 47.6K
January 2023$ 43.9K
December 2022$ 46.5K
November 2022$ 47.1K
October 2022$ 40.6K
September 2022$ 23.8K
August 2022$ 41.6K
July 2022$ 46.6K
June 2022$ 40.4K
May 2022$ 29.9K

Alemán Frequently Asked Questions

What is Alemán's birth name?

Alemán's birth name is Eduardo Eustacio Anaya Ortega.

What genre of music does Alemán create?

Alemán creates music primarily in the rap, trap, and reggaeton genres.

Has Alemán collaborated with other artists?

Yes, Alemán has collaborated with various artists throughout his career.

What is Alemán's date of birth?

Alemán was born on December 15, 1990.

Is Alemán involved in any controversies?

Yes, Alemán has been involved in several controversies during his career.

What is Alemán's occupation?

Alemán is a rapper, singer, and songwriter.

Does Alemán have any social media accounts?

Yes, Alemán is active on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

What is the website or merch URL for Alemán?

The website or merch URL for Alemán can be found at

Is Alemán married or in a relationship?

The information about Alemán's spouse or partner is unavailable.

Where is Alemán's spouse/partner from?

The information about Alemán's spouse or partner is unavailable.