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AGTV News Youtube channel statistics

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Estimated earnings in past 30 days
$ 101 - $ 611
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Date Video views Estimated earnings
25.03.2022 Fri +36,217 $ 13 - $ 81
21.03.2022 Mon +22,978 $ 8 - $ 51
18.03.2022 Fri +17,611 $ 6 - $ 39
15.03.2022 Tue +34,559 $ 12 - $ 77
11.03.2022 Fri +18,084 $ 6 - $ 40
08.03.2022 Tue +17,915 $ 6 - $ 40
04.03.2022 Fri +10,215 $ 3 - $ 22
02.03.2022 Wed +16,596 $ 6 - $ 37
27.02.2022 Sun +1,568 $ 0 - $ 3
24.02.2022 Thu +13,204 $ 4 - $ 29
21.02.2022 Mon +15,251 $ 5 - $ 34
19.02.2022 Sat -1,141,925 $ -428 - $ -2.57K
18.01.2022 Tue +169,220 $ 63 - $ 380
25.12.2021 Sat +70,475 $ 26 - $ 158

AGTV News biography

AGTV News is a popular news channel known for its coverage of global events and current affairs. With a dedicated team of journalists and reporters, the channel provides reliable and unbiased news to its audience. AGTV News aims to keep viewers informed and engaged with its in-depth analysis and comprehensive news coverage. The channel covers a wide range of topics including politics, business, technology, entertainment, and sports. AGTV News is committed to delivering accurate and up-to-date information while maintaining high journalistic standards. Throughout its existence, AGTV News has garnered a large following and has become a trusted source of news for millions of people around the world. The channel's articles and reports are known for their well-researched content and insightful analysis. AGTV News strives to bring transparency, objectivity, and fairness to its reporting, ensuring that viewers have access to reliable information to make informed decisions. Visit AGTV News for the latest news and updates from around the world.

AGTV News controversies

As with any major news organization, AGTV News has faced its share of controversies over the years. These controversies have centered around a variety of issues, including allegations of biased reporting, conflicts of interest, and the misuse of information. While AGTV News strives to maintain its journalistic integrity, it has not been immune to criticism. One of the major controversies surrounding AGTV News was the accusation of political bias in its reporting. Some viewers and critics have claimed that the channel has a tendency to favor a particular political party or ideology in its coverage. AGTV News has consistently denied these allegations and maintains that its reporting is unbiased and impartial. Another controversy that AGTV News faced was related to the credibility of its sources and fact-checking procedures. There have been instances where the channel has been accused of disseminating false or misleading information. AGTV News has acknowledged these mistakes and has taken steps to improve its fact-checking process. It's important to note that controversies are not unique to AGTV News and are a common occurrence in the media industry. The channel continues to strive for accuracy, fairness, and transparency in its reporting and aims to address any concerns or criticisms that arise.

AGTV News famous quotes

"The job of a journalist is to report the facts, not to create them."
"In a world of misinformation, seek truth."
"The freedom of the press is essential to a functioning democracy."
"The pen is mightier than the sword."
"A journalist's duty is to hold those in power accountable."
"The truth may be unpleasant, but it is always necessary."
"Reporting the news is not a race, it's about accuracy."
"Journalism is the cornerstone of a free society."
"Without journalism, there can be no democracy."
"The power of words can change the world."